OOTD: Finding My Inner Flower Child

Guys, I have found the 70’s dress of my dreams. Up until I saw it, I didn’t even realise I wanted one – but it. Is. AMAZING! To my extreme pleasure, I also found these amazing over-the-knee suede boots, and they are currently giving me life.

I’ve been enjoying a pleasantly quiet weekend, did a little bit of shopping, caught up on some reading, saw the new ‘Spy’ movie (hilarious by the way), and I might do some baking later today. I did want to get a post up over the weekend, and I’ve been dying to try out my new dress and boots combo, so here we are!

This dress is seriously gorgeous, not the type of thing I’m usually drawn to, but I wanted it as soon as I stepped in to Target (yes, it’s from Target!). The dark blue colour, the bell sleeves and the cut of the dress just seems very hippie-esque to me.





Hope everyone is having a great weekend! If you have any wardrobe items you’ve been loving lately, I’d love to hear about them!



3 Looks / Clothing Haul: Boohoo & New Look

Hello lovelies! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Today’s post is going to be something a little different for me – a clothing haul/lookbook!

I don’t usually buy lots of clothes at one time (I always seem to have so many other things to spend my money on), but lately, I’ve made a couple of online purchases that I thought I would share with you. Most of the items I have are based around cool weather, since I am going to Scotland in September/October this year, and then to USA, where it will be Fall.

Shoutout to my brother for playing photographer (even if he did spend the whole time complaining about being underpaid).

Look One: Run Through the Jungle

Boohoo Leopard Print Coat, Boohoo Jeans, Black Singlet and Boots from Kmart

Look Two: Shagadelic Skivvies

Boohoo Skivvy, New Look Camel Skirt, Kmart Heels

Look Three: Lady in Red

New Look Midi Dress, New Look Black Coat (similar here), Kmart Heels

So there you have it. Three looks I am loving at the moment (and I can’t wait to wear on holiday!). Since I am trying so hard to save, I haven’t had much excuse to dress up lately, so this was a bit of fun for me.



Holiday Packing 101

Packing for holidays is something I believe most people struggle with – especially girls. This isn’t a reflection on guys – we just tend to have more stuff we need on a daily basis (think bras, makeup, hair styling tools, accessories). And I’m not talking packing for a 5 day trip to Bali, I’m talking about a trip that requires blood, sweat, tears and living out of a suitcase consistently for a month or (dare I say it) longer.

Problematic suitcase

I’m lucky enough to have made a few of these kind of trips in my lifetime, so I thought I’d share a few of the tips I’ve picked up along the way, that help to make packing for an extended trip more manageable.

1. The Trial Pack

Guys, I know this seems like the most tedious thing to do – no one wants to spend an entire afternoon packing everything into a suitcase, only to take it all back out and hang it up. But trust me, it helps. My first big trip abroad, I made the mistake of leaving everything to the last-minute, and this resulted in me sitting next to my suitcase, head in hands, with clothes thrown all over the floor. Since that day, I have made it my mission to never be in that situation again – hence the trial pack. Obviously, it’s likely that you will end up with new items that you want to take away, so the final contents of your suitcase might differ slightly, but it’s good to have an idea of what you are thinking of taking – do you have too much? Too little? Not right for the climate you will be in? If you know beforehand, you’ll be able to make the changes you need in plenty of time, not 30 minutes before your due at the airport.

2. The ‘Look-book’

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to put together an extensive list, complete with photos, of outfits that you will be taking with you (that being said, if it’s something you’d enjoy, full steam ahead!). It just means, make sure that everything you pack will look good with at least 1 other item of clothing (preferably more) that you are taking. There is no point packing a certain item if you have absolutely nothing to wear it with – it’s a waste of space and you will just get frustrated seeing it constantly sitting in your suitcase.

3. Be Brutal

The last time I went on an overseas holiday, I actually halved everything in my suitcase after my initial pack – and there were still things I took that didn’t get worn! So keep in mind, now is not the time to be packing things that haven’t made it out of your closet in the last 6 months. I tend to be of the mindset ‘but it’s really cute, and you never know, I might need it’. NO. If you haven’t worn it in 6 months or longer, put it down and back away slowly.


4. Stick to the Basics

This isn’t so much a tip, as something I like to do when I pack. I try to stick with basic/neutral colours like black, white, grey, denim etc and spruce them up with a pretty scarf or some bright jewellery. I will also throw a few bold colours in, just to mix things up a bit.

5. Toiletries: Less is Best

For me (and most of my good friends) this is the hardest tip. I’m not really even sure why – it’s like we don’t want to be without any of our usual products, but we seem to totally forget the fact that most places we travel will have those very same products (often at a cheaper price). Now, some things (contraceptive pills, face cleansers that suit your skin type, products you 100% can’t live without) are okay to pack. But don’t go packing huge bottles of shampoo/conditioner/shower gel etc. Your best option is to take travel sizes of most things, and restock them as you need them while your travelling.

6. Pinterest is your friend

I am venturing off on holiday again later this year, and in an effort to be prepared, I’ve been scouring Pinterest for all the tips and tricks I can find. One of the best articles I have found to date is a “One Suitcase: 16 Pieces = 40 Outfits”.


Obviously, not everyone has the same style, but I think this provides a good structure for packing. The basics are there, and key pieces (patterns, colours etc) and accessories can be tailored to suit individual personalities. I love that it shows you how to make so many different outfits from the same selection of clothing.

These may seem like pretty obvious tips, but I know if I had come across something like this before my first big holiday, it would have been a big help!

Do you have any tips for packing for a big holiday?

